Sunday 29 January 2012

Significance of Motivation

Motivation is key element for our success. Without motivation nothing is possible.

Quotes on Positive Attitude

These are some quotes on Positive Attitude

Tips for Developing Positive Attitude

These are some tips for developing Positive Attitude

Dale Carnegie

This is one of the best book written by Dale Carnegie who is a profound impact on people of 20th century in changing their lives through his books on several topics. A great personality of our time. We always remember such persons and got inspring from their lives as well as from their work and research also.

Self Confidence

These are some tips to develop Self Confidence

Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation
From the last 4-5 decades there will be tremendous research done on meditation across the globle by scientifically. After several decades of research on meditation the following are some benefits revealed by scientists.
  • Glucose decreases
  • Sodium decreases
  • Total Cholesterol decreased
  • HDL Cholesterol (good cholesterol) increases
  • LDL Cholesterol (bad cholesterol) decreases
  • VLDL Cholesterol decreases
  • Hematocrit increases
  • Hemoglobin increases
  • Lymphocyte count increases
  • Total white blood cell count decreases
  • Thyroxin increases
  • Vitamin ‘C’ increases
  • Total serum protine increases
  • Depth perception improves
  • Symbol coding improves
  • Learning efficiency improves
  • Memory improves
  • Concentration improves
  • Attention improves
  • Self-acceptance improves
  • Social – skills improves
  • Integrated function of body parts improves
  • Immunity increases
  • Energy level increases
  • Endurance increases
  • Grip strength increases
  • Eye – hand co-ordination improves
  • Reaction time improves
  • Gastrointestianal function normalizes
  • Respiratory efficiency increases
  • Cardio vascular efficiency increases
  • EEF – Alpha waves increases
  • Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium
  • Para sympathetic nervous system dominates