Friday 8 June 2012

Guru Purnima

From the Ancient Period the Guru Parampara of Guru Tradition protect us from our ignorance and lead us towards our enlightenment.  In several traditions and cultures the Role of Guru is very significant.

There will be a famous saying on Guru:

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheswara
Gurur Sakshaat Param Brahma 
Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha

The Enlightened Guru is no other than Brahmaa the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer. 

Guru is Truly The Almighty Brahmaan, our salutations to Him; the Divine Spiritual Master.

I prepared these Guru Purnima drawings in powerpoint.

Guru Purnima

The Day of Full Moon, Purnima in the month of Ashad is traditionally celebrated as Guru Purnima by Hindus. Also known as Vyas Purnima, the day is celebrated in rememberance and veneration to Sage Veda Vyas.

These are my Guru Purnima drawings and I prepared these Guru Purnima images in Adobe Photoshop.

Ayurveda drawings

These are my some other Ayurveda drawings. I prepared them in Adobe Photoshop.

Ayurveda - Science of Life & Healing

These are my Ayurveda - Science of Life & Healing drawings. I prepared them in Adobe Photoshop.

History of Ayurveda (Origins of Ayurveda)

These are my Ayurveda drawings on History and Origins of Ayurveda. I prepared these Ayurveda drawings on Adobe Photoshop.

Lord Dhanvantari - God of Ayurveda

These are my another 2 drawings on Lord Dhanvantari - God Ayurveda. I prepared them in Adobe Photoshop. Earlier i posted my 3 other Lord Dhanvantari drawings and these are the remaining drawings.