Tuesday 29 May 2012


Aliens are  our brothers and sisters from other galaxies in the Celestial Realms of the Universe. They guide us in our Evolutionary Journey on Planet Earth.    

They guide us with love as "Dear human you are not alone.  We are all galactic brothers and sisters. We came from fifth and other higher dimensions to assist you in raising your evolutionary consciousness".

These are my Aliens drawings (images) which i prepared in Adobe Photoshop and last image i got from internet and i prepared the same in power point.

Further earlier i share these images in my Galactic Friends site which i created in google sites in the year 2004-5.  Below is the link of the same.


Lord Dhanvantari

These are the images of Lord Dhanvantari who is the God of Ayurveda. I prepared these drawings in Adobe Photoshop.

Full Moon

This is my Full Moon image. I prepared this image in power point. Network of Light image i got from Internet and i do not remember from where i got this Network of Light image but i felt that this image is very useful for those who are doing meditation particularly during Full Moon Day and for spiritual seekers. Hence i add this image also in my full moon at the time of preparing this full moon image.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Sacred Scriptures of Hinduism

This is a brief introduction about Sacred Scriptures of Hinduism. The information contains some details about several aspects of Sacred Scriptures i.e. Vedas, Upanishads etc. many things.  It is a powerpoint presentation. I got this from internet through search engine. I do not know who is prepared this Sacred Scriptures power point presentation. But it is a worth presentation and it share good information. Hence i convert the same file in to Jpeg (image) format and share it in my knowledge sharing blog with other people. Once again i mentioned that it is not my own presentation but i want to share this others.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Venus Transit

The enclosed Venus Transit article published on 6th June, 2004 Sunday 2 days before Venus Transit occurred on 8th June 2004 in Vishalandra Telugu Newspaper Sunday magazine.  This is not my article. But i felt this telugu article on Venus Transit contain some good message about Venus Transit. Hence i scanned the article in the year 2004 and share it with other people from then onwards.

The next Transit of Venus will occur on June 5–6 in 2012, succeeding the previous Transit on June 8th 2004. After 2012, the next transits of Venus will be in December 2117 and December 2125.

Sun, Venus, and earth align for transit of Venus 

A transit of Venus occurs when Venus passes directly between the sun and earth.  This alignment is rare, coming in pairs that are eight years apart but separated by over a century. 

The most recent transit of Venus was a thrilling sight in 2004.  After the June 2012 transit of Venus (the last one in your lifetime), the next such alignment occurs in 2117.   


Centenary of Greenwich as the Prime Meridian

In the year 1884 Delegates from 25 Countries met in Washington DC and decides The Greenwich Observatory should be the Prime Meridian.  Since that time, all the Nations used Greenwich Meridian as Zero Longitude and at the same convention, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was put into effect for Navigational use at the Sea, in the Air..... and in the Exploration of the Solar System.

In the Year 1984 Great Britain issued of 4 stamps to celebrate the Centenary of adoption of Greenwich as Prime Meridian.

In my collection i have 4 First Day Covers & 4 Maxim Cards of 1984 depicting the history of  Greenwich Observatory right from its beginning.

Now the Greenwich Observatory was turned into a museum (National Maritime Museum, Greenwich).

Along with 4 First Day Covers & 4 Maxim Cards of the Year 1984 which is Centenary Year of Greenwich as the Prime Meridian i am also herewith enclosing one letter which i received from National Maritime Museum in the Year 1994. I wrote a letter to Greenwich Observatory about GMT then i received reply from the Museum.